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Danveri have just released the music video for “Dead People Never Complain”

Wednesday, 25 February 2015 17:03 Read by 12996 Peoples Written by 

Danveri have just released the music video for the anti-drug song “Dead People Never Complain” and is available now on Youtube! The film was directed by Ghina Abboud.

Dead People Never Complain was previously written for a drug-prevention campaign supported by “Oum El Nour” Organization and was subsidized by the European Union in collaboration with the Office of Minister of State for Administrative Reforms and the Ministry of Social Affairs in Lebanon. The song was released within a various-artists album called “In Your Hands”. A few months ago, Danveri decided to shoot a music video for the song.

The song tells the story of a drug dealer trying to convince people around him to buy drugs from him, but at some point, in his beautifully conceived marketing style, some negative aspects of the drugs slip out of his mouth. For the rest, find out for yourself… and enjoy!

Watch it now on Youtube

Last modified on Wednesday, 25 February 2015 17:09